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Tips for Creating Space for Yourself Over the Holidays ♥️ 🎄

By: Rhea Tomlinson (BMR-PT, BA)

Certified in Acupuncture & Dry Needling

RYT 200 hour

The holidays are an AMAZING time of year… They can also be hectic and overwhelming. Here are a few tips to create space for yourself this holiday season.

1. Schedule YOU time

It is easy to get literally wrapped up in everybody else’s wants and needs over the holidays. Do not forget to create space for yourself. This can be a bubble bath at night, a fitness class like a Zen Yoga class or going to the gym, or perhaps time to be alone and read a book or meditate. Whatever your ideal YOU time looks like, ensure that you leave room for it in your busy schedule like you would any other appointment or engagement. Leave yourself refreshed and restored for time with your loved ones.

2. It’s ok to say no!

Too many plans can be overwhelming. Sometimes as much as we want to be everywhere and everything to everyone we are left completely exhausted. You can prioritize and say no to plans that do not serve you. Your family and friends will understand especially if you give them advanced notice that you do not plan on attending. Ask yourself before committing to all of your plans; does this event or activity serve me and my wellness? Or do I need time to rest before our next event?

3. Find balance through diet and fitness

Eat ALL of the holiday treats! Forgive yourself for indulging and enjoying your holiday favourites. But make sure you are eating a balanced diet between fun events and family dinners. A diet only filled with sweets and savory foods might leave you feeling sluggish and down.

It is okay to miss a few days of exercise but get to the gym or back into your fitness regime as much as possible.

4. Breathe

Stopping to breathe and take little moments of silence and peace throughout the holidays can go a long way. Try lying or sitting in a comfortable position and take 5-10 breaths down into your lower belly.  Try repeating this multiple times per day, anywhere possible like work, your car or as you get ready in the morning. Check in with yourself after your deep breaths and notice how you feel.

Create space for yourself this holiday season to maintain your overall health & wellness. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our amazing Zen team on our contacts page!

Happy holidays from the Zen Physiotherapy team!