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Dry Needling Services Winnipeg

Trigger Point Dry Needling Services at Zen Physiotherapy Winnipeg

Our Zen Physiotherapists sometimes use dry needling techniques as a complement to other hands on and exercise interventions. While the name of the procedure may sound intimidating, dry needling is very safe and often highly effective technique for patients with certain musculoskeletal presentations such as tightness and or trigger points in the muscles. Dry needling is a treatment performed at Zen Physiotherapy by skilled, trained physiotherapists, certified in the procedure.

Dry Needling is a general term for a therapeutic treatment procedure that involves multiple advances of a filament needle into a large muscle group. A trigger point is a taut band of skeletal muscle that is located in a larger muscle group. There is no injectable solution and typically the filiform needle which is used is very thin. Most patients will not even feel the needle penetrate the skin. Once the needle is advanced into the muscle, the feeling of discomfort can vary drastically from patient to patient. We typically warn our clients that the muscle may or may not feel tired or slightly achy temporarily post-treatment. Positive results are typically apparent within 2-4 treatment sessions, however many people feel results after their first treatment session. The main goal of dry needling is to eliminate neuromuscular dysfunction that leads to pain and functional deficits.

Dry needling is an effective form of treatment for acute and chronic muscle pain, rehabilitation from injury, and even injury prevention.

*Please note that an initial physiotherapy assessment is required prior to Acupuncture or Dry Needling only treatments to determine the appropriate and safe points of treatment.

If you have any questions about Dry Needling and if this effective form of treatment intervention will help you, do not hesitate to reach out to our Zen Team!


  • All needling is FREE with a Physiotherapy Initial or Follow Up Treatment Session
  • Dry Needling Only Session: $45